March 2018

Being Humble & Kind

Being kind is a trait that other people are attracted to and admire, but even more important than that is the personal peace & joy that you will feel. Focusing on being kind is less stressful than the alternative for sure. But, kindness is only received as genuine when the person is humble as well.  What are some ways to be humble and kind? Gratitude Gratitude prevents pride from taking

Gluten Free Fried Rice

This gluten free recipe is one of my family’s favorites. Make extra and have some for lunches through the week.


Are you feeling fatigued, irritable, disoriented, confused or maybe just less active than normal?  These can be signs of dehydration. Most people are not drinking enough water which is unfortunate because every system in the body needs water to function.   The recommended 8 glasses of water a day is still good advice, but depending on other factors such as climate (hot temperatures & humidity) and activity level you could